ISRO sets up Space Technology cells in premier institutions
- Gate@zeal
- 09-12-2019
ISRO sets up Space Technology Cells in premier institutions
Space Technology cell
The Technology cells will consist of professors and scholars associated with the institute. Under the programme, the experts will conduct space technology research and applications.
Currently, such a joint programme is being implemented by IIT-Roorke, DRDO and ISRO on “Thin Membrane-based technology to develop parachutes for fighter aircraft”. The STCs are in functioning for more than three decades
RESPOND Programme
The Space Technology cells were established under RESPOND Programme that was started in 1970s. Under this programme the STCs were installed across various premier institutions. The projects run for stipulated time period. New cells are formed after the completion of time period of the project.
Under the programme, the cells develop propulsion systems design and optimization, rocket and satellite technology, aerodynamics and heat transfer related problems.