Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find the test papers?
Answer: You can find the test papers in the "Batch" section of the portal. When you purchase a test series, a batch is assigned by Gate at Zeal within working hours (11 AM to 8:30 PM).
2. What time should I attempt the test?
Answer: You should attempt the test after completing the syllabus for the test. Completing the syllabus means you have watched the lecture, prepared your notes, and solved at least the basic module provided by Gate at Zeal. Before attempting a full test or round test, ensure you have also solved the Gate at Zeal advanced booklet.
3. How can I take the test papers on a desktop?
Answer: On Chrome, search for "Classplus student login []," then click the first link and log in. You will need the organization code (fbjdx) and your email ID or phone number to log in.
4. How can I ask a doubt?
Answer: You can ask your doubts in the chat section of the test series, and you can also ask questions during the live discussion of the test.
5. Where can I access the discussion videos?
Answer: You can view the discussion videos in the "Live Videos" section of the batch.
6. If I miss the deadline, can I take the test later?
Answer: Yes, if you miss the deadline, the test will be reassigned within 3 to 4 hours.
7. What should I do if I am unable to see any tests?
Answer: Please wait for the test to be reassigned.
8. How many times can I take each test?
Answer: You can attempt each test only once, but after taking the test, you can review the questions multiple times.
9. What are the closing dates for the tests?
Answer: For current year test papers: every Saturday (9 AM to 1 PM). For past year test papers: every month. When the round papers start, current year papers close every Wednesday and Saturday, and past year test papers close every 10 days. You will receive a notification when the test papers are closed.
10. What is the validity period for the tests?
Answer: The tests are valid until April.
11. What should I do if I receive warnings for using a calculator or switching tabs during the test?
Answer: Avoid using any additional calculators and do not switch tabs during the test. Use only the portal's calculator and access the test using the Chrome browser on the web portal.
12. What should I do if my test gets submitted suddenly?
Answer: Before starting the test, ensure a stable internet connection. If your test is submitted due to a glitch, raise a query in the chat section. If a valid reason is found, we will reassign the test paper.
13. Where can I find the syllabus and test dates?
Answer: Visit the official website of Gate at Zeal at and explore the "Test Series" section, where we provide the syllabus and publication dates for each test. You can also frequently check the "Announcement" section, where we announce the test dates and syllabus.
14. How can I check my rank?
Answer: When the first deadline for the test paper closes, you can see your rank. Your rank will be updated after each test deadline, which is why test papers are opened and closed frequently.