GATE Exam is now Compulsory for all B.Tech Students ! See How ?
- Zeal
- 04-01-2019
As per the discussions at AICTE, GATE is going to be partially compulsory for every private and government B.tech college very soon. This is how as an EXIT EXAM is going to be conducted, a must give examination fo all, which will be based on the studies done so far in previous years. this exam will be conducted in the final year of the B.tech and students clearing this exam will only be considered as B.tech Graduates and the rest will have to re-appear for the test and clear it in order to get their degree.
So, now this exit exam is going to be at the level of the GATE as GATE is also on the same syllabus and pattern as of this exit exam. Which means that you have to start your preparation for GATE exam since your pre-final year or second year which will make you fit for the Exit Exam as well as the GATE exam.
The main aim of the proposal to conduct the exit exam is:
- Skewed standards of India’s engineering education
- Improve Employability: Only 20% – 30% of engineering graduates in India are able to get a job, in spite of the fact that roughly, seven lakh engineering students graduate annually from across 3,000 registered technical institutes (approximately)
- Fix the lack of requisite skill set amongst engineering graduates to make them job ready
Conducting the Exit Exam for engineering graduates will serve a dual motive:
- AICTE can then check the engineering student’s skills, aptitude, critical thinking, besides the theory
- Will give AICTE feedback on the standards & teaching methodology of engineering institutes in India
- AICTE will be able to come up with remedial measures for the betterment of the education quality in each of these institutes like teacher training etc.